- city delivery within an hour
The color and look of the bouquet may slightly differ from the photo, but don't worry: we will send you a photo of the finished bouquet before shipping.
* The composition of the bouquet may vary depending on the availability and seasonality of flowers by prior agreement.
Микс из 101 розы – модные композиции из элитных цветов разного оттенка. Великолепные сочетания позволяют создавать настоящие шедевры, которые приводят в настоящее изумление и восторг. Удивительная комбинация бутонов помогает воплотить в реальность смелые задумки. Стильный презент долгое время сохраняет свежесть и аромат.
Дарите своим близким любовь вместе с Pro-buket.
The girl received a great and fresh bouquet, thanks to you the surprise was successful. Special thanks to the courier, that he delivered in one piece and did not break anything. For such a quantity the price is super
If desired, we will put in the bouquet
a card with wishes to the recipient of the bouquet on your behalf.
We take photos of your bouquet before it is shipped, so you can rest assured they will deliver what you ordered.
Videotape the emotions of the happy recipient of your gift.
Product added
Sorry, at the moment we are not working in Tashkent city, follow the news in our instagram.