- city delivery within an hour
The color and look of the bouquet may slightly differ from the photo, but don't worry: we will send you a photo of the finished bouquet before shipping.
Композиция «Эвелина» сочетает в себе яркость и воздушность. Считается, что голубая гипсофила олицетворяет честность, счастье и искренность. Стильный презент прекрасно подойдет для целеустремленного, неординарного человека. Оригинальная цветочная композиция станет украшение торжественного мероприятия и улучшит настроение в обычный день.
Дарите своим близким любовь вместе с Pro-buket.
I wholeheartedly recommend this flower delivery, everything is just unreal beauty, the bouquets are packed very well
This is the best flower delivery for me. Very good prices on bouquets and a good selection. Delivery is made in a few hours after ordering. Everything is fast and on time. Photo bouquet on the site and in person coincides. Success in the work!!! I will use more.
Always only fresh flowers. Huge selection. Friendly staff. Good prices. Delivery is also at the level, always clear and on time.
Delivery exceeded all expectations! Ordered delivery of a bouquet for my mom's birthday, instantly sent a photo of the bouquet report, delivered quickly, the courier made a pleasant impression! Everyone is satisfied and happy!!!!
If desired, we will put in the bouquet
a card with wishes to the recipient of the bouquet on your behalf.
We take photos of your bouquet before it is shipped, so you can rest assured they will deliver what you ordered.
Videotape the emotions of the happy recipient of your gift.
Product added
Sorry, at the moment we are not working in Tashkent city, follow the news in our instagram.